How to go Historic Rallying
You are now entering into one of the fastest growing and friendliest forms of motorsport in the world. Every vehicle and crew has its own nuances, to write a truly definitive guide would almost be impossible with the variation of parts and personal preferences that abound, a car is a truly personal thing with the hours of time and financial commitment it brings.
The aim of this guide is to help you start out on the front foot with the events you will enter and the varying degrees of difficulty they offer, it will also detail some very basic car preparation, navigation and driving tips to ease you into the learning process of these events.
Over time this guide will be added to and amended as things change; even though the vehicle you are competing with is of a certain vintage, modern engineering techniques and methods means that rules do get revised and practices advance.
As with all guides, they need interpretation to your own needs and circumstances, please remember this.
Event Levels & Colour Coding
There are many classic rallies for you to explore, we’ll be concentrating on the ones that HERO-ERA promote as we know them best — obviously! HERO-ERA is unique in the way it grades its events, we looked at ski run codings and found they can be likened to rallies, we call it HERO-ERA Colour Coding.

Car Preparation
You’ve waited for years to find the car of your dreams, the one you first drove and found your freedom in or the one a few years later that really ignited your enthusiasm for something more powerful.
You want to use this car as much as possible and compete against other like-minded people, how do you go about it?

Essentially, they are the office manager, they look after the paperwork on event, the navigation, timekeeping and generally keeping the driver in tow.
As you progress together through the sport it will become obvious just how important the navigator is in the team, they can win an event or throw it away with one error, the margin is that fine.
So what do you (driver) do to keep them happy and performing to the best of their capabilities?

Driving | Regularities & Tests
This is a bit of a hot potato!
Drivers are the ones who, inevitably, get all the glory of winning an event or class, they have battled heroically through adversity and skilfully guided their vehicle to a penalty-free regularity score and have won the test pilot award on the driving tests

Hire one of the vehicles from our Arrive & Drive Fleet
Being new to the sport you may not have a vehicle, your classic car may not be suitable, or you want to try before you buy, then HERO-ERA has the solution...