Syd Stelvio, Pearl of India - Day 12 – Bandhavgarh to Kanha – 295km

The SH33 is the greatest road in India. Fact. As we drove down the smooth, flat blacktop yesterday, classic cars all line astern, it was a clear reminder of how much fun an empty road and driving with your mates can be. Progress was swift, the road was fun and bend after bend delighted us all.
This was just one of the highlights of the twelfth day, we were also treated to several lofty climbs that offered views for miles and the roads were quiet almost all day long. The population density in this part of India drops to less than 100 people per square km, compared to over 2000 in Mumbai, and it was an opportunity to relax just a little bit, and get into the groove.
There were still people around, this is India after-all, and they were all just as friendly and enthusiastic as ever. At the first passage control there was a whole gang of teenage boys who had bunked off school to come and check out the cars, all of them on motorbikes – despite being far too young to ride them.
Following the PC there was a steep and bumpy climb, on around 12km of roughshod road, up through the jungle and then out on the peaks of the mountains in these parts. The highest elevation was around 900m today, a real contrast to the flat areas we have come through, but whilst enjoyable it did put pressure on the cars, with car 10 suffering a return of the fuelling issues that had plagued them in the early days of the events. Eventually this needed some sweep intervention, and the car is now running better than ever.
There was only one regularity on the day, a sweeping and swooping road, with plenty of elevation changes and bends to enjoy, with the marshals using the corners to position their timing points, waiting to catch out those who were perhaps pushing on with a bit too much enthusiasm.
Our competitors are a wily bunch though, and most passed the test well, with three cars dropping just two seconds across the three controls. One of these were rally leaders the Hunts, matched by the second placed Escort – who’s clutch had been repaired again after a further fluid leak. But the honour of best on the day went to Marty and Fran Dippie, who achieved a perfect score of zero in the big Merc.
The fairly even scoring meant that nothing really changed on the leaderboard, but to be honest the day was all about wonderful driving on fabulous roads, and through some of the best scenery we have seen yet. For large parts of the drive the group was together on the tarmac, and that feeling of having a bit of burn up with your mates is hard to beat.
No doubt that will change soon, and as we head back towards the population centres the chaos on the roads will return, but for now we can all enjoy this little bit of solitude.