Eventi Eroici Per Ardua- AD Infinitum
Bisogna avere attitudini particolari per mettersi al volante di un’auto d’epoca, imbarcandosi in un’avventura a motore su strade sconnesse, lande desolate e luoghi quasi dimenticati dal resto del mondo... E altrettante attitudini particolari si devono avere per creare la macchina organizzativa che fa da quinta a queste avventure, memorabili e adrenaliniche al tempo stesso.
It takes a certain kind of person to take to the road in their classic car and head for far-away lands, embarking on motoring adventures on the roughest of terrains and most desolate and time forgotten places of this earth... And then it takes yet another kind of person to organise the platform that provides and sets the stage for those adventures - which are as memorable, thrilling and adrenalin-inducing as they are enjoyable.

Un’associazione spicca tra tutte e sta pianificando la riorganizzazione del settore delle auto d’epoca: i manager del team, forti di esperienza sul campo e background differenziati, possiedono l’entusiasmo e la determinazione necessari a raggiungere i propri ambiziosi traguardi. La loro mission è creare un nuovo scenario in cui gli amatori d’auto possano indulgere nella propria passione, un ambiente in cui ogni entusiasmo è bene accetto, al di là del valore della macchina, del budget a disposizione, dei limiti di tempo o delle difficoltà logistiche.
La Historic Endurance Rallying Organization (HERO) è proprio questo: una piattaforma unica e completa a livello europeo, dedicata ai motori e ai rally, creata da entusiasti di auto d’epoca e rivolta agli entusiasti di auto d’epoca.
Con 25 anni di esperienza nel settore delle corse d’auto d’epoca, HERO oggi può vantare l’organizzazione di oltre 16 appuntamenti. Il calendario annuale viene pianificato con largo anticipo per offrire una vasta gamma di eventi ad ogni tipo di appassionato, tutti qualificanti per la HERO Cup. Si va da Lejog, il rally nel Regno Unito da Land’s End a John O’Groats, considerato il più impegnativo fra gli eventi di questo tipo in Europa, al Summer Trial, studiato per accogliere i principianti, dando loro il gusto dei rally d’epoca.
Un aspetto chiave dell’attività di HERO è il programma fedeltà che, al costo di £120 annue, vi farà ottenere la HERO Premier Membership, una carta fedeltà personalizzata che riceverete insieme all’Offerta di Benvenuto, contenente una cravatta per gli uomini o una sciarpa di seta per le signore, una spillette per la giacca e gli adesivi per la macchina. L’iscrizione dà diritto soprattutto ad una serie di sconti per numerosi negozi e servizi (attentamente selezionati ed utilizzati dalla stessa HERO) che costituiscono il meglio sul mercato per l’uso e la manutenzione dell’auto d’epoca: hotel, meccanici e carrozzerie di restauro, prodotti di consumo, abbonamenti e pubblicazioni, consulenze professionali, eventi, noleggio auto, ecc. La filosofia della Premier Membership è piuttosto semplice: usufruendo degli sconti una volta si sarà già coperta la spesa della carta, usandoli due volte si avrà già iniziato a risparmiare.
Il grande apporto innovativo dato da Hero al settore negli ultimi 4 anni, consiste nell’HERO Assist, la divisione del gruppo interamente dedicata al supporto degli HERO Members per ogni necessità di assistenza, riparazioni meccaniche, logistica e trasporto.
Se poi non si possiede un’auto d’epoca o non la si vuole testare in un rally, Hero propone una soluzione davvero accattivante: il servizio Hero Arrive and Drive consente di noleggiare per l’evento una delle vetture della flotta, a tariffe competitive. HERO infatti vanta una collezione di più di 15 iconiche auto d’epoca, totalmente restaurate e professionalmente preparate per rally e tour: dalla Riley Brooklands del 1930 alla Lancia Delta Integrale del 1990, nonchè Porsche 911, Jaguar E Type, Alfa Romeo e Range Rover Serie I.
Altrettanto interessante ed utile è l’HERO Store, dove gli entusiasti dell’auto d’epoca possono fare acquisti online. Vi si vendono migliaia di prodotti, dai fanalini di coda alle teche da esposizione su misura, dai prodotti per la cura dell’auto all’abbigliamento.
È evidente l’obiettivo di HERO di rafforzare il legame con i membri del Club, comprendendone e assecondandone le necessità, con una mentalità aperta ai cambiamenti. Piattaforma democratica per definizione e ambasciatrice instancabile, la HERO si batte affinchè siano sempre maggiori le iniziative che mantengono attivo e vitale il settore dei motori.
Il successo raggiunto è indiscusso: l’unica questione ancora aperta è se HERO Events Limited non debba essere ribattezzata HERO Events Un-limited!
It takes a certain kind of person to take to the road in their classic car and head for far-away lands, embarking on motoring adventures on the roughest of terrains and most desolate and time forgotten places of this earth... And then it takes yet another kind of person to organise the platform that provides and sets the stage for those adventures - which are as memorable, thrilling and adrenalin-inducing as they are enjoyable.
One organisation has stepped forward to go above and beyond for the classic motorist and is pioneering a reorganisation of the classic car industry. Armed with experience, diverse backgrounds of its management team, enthusiasm and a resolve to go the extra mile, their mission is to set a new stage from which to indulge your passion, a place where every enthusiasts is welcome regardless of car price, budget, time constraints and logistic constraints.... And they are here to stay. The Historic Endurance Rallying Organisation (HERO for short) is just that, a pan European one-stop shop classic motoring and rallying platform built by classic car enthusiasts... for classic car enthusiasts.
With 25 years of running classic car events, HERO now has over 16 events under its control. A yearly event calendar of events is chosen well in advance to supply a range of event types to appeal to every level of enthusiast; all of which become qualifying rounds of the HERO Cup, the organisation’s televised annual championship. From LEJOG, the Lands’ End to John O’Groats reliability trial -considered to be the toughest event of its kind in Europe, to the Summer Trial, which is designed to be a beginner friendly event, giving participants a taste of what classic rallying is all about, there is something for everyone. To make the choice easier, HERO even colour code the events in the same manner as Ski runs, so that easy selections can be made.
Another key aspect of HERO is their membership program. Now you may feel you have enough club memberships in your already thick wallet. However, you may well want to start considering the HERO Premier Membership. It costs a just £112 + VAT per year, roughly a full tank of fuel these days, but could be the best money spent since purchasing your classic car itself. When you join, you receive a Welcome Pack containing a tie for gentlemen members, or a silk scarf for lady members. This comes in a beautifully presented gift box alongside your personalized membership card, pins for your jacket and stickers for your car. On joining you also unlock a series of discounts in a number of independent trade and services (carefully vetted and used by HERO itself) that form the best of breed in the value chain that surrounds the use, enjoyment and maintenance of your classic car. It is immediately clear that a lot of thought has gone into the selection of Premier Membership Partners; intelligently organized and listed under categories such as hotels, mechanical and bodywork restorations, products and consumable, subscriptions and publications, event discounts, car hire…. There are even discounts with professional advisors and detailing firms if you want the engine bay of your car to sparkle every day of the year. The philosophy behind the Premier Membership is simple enough: use the discount once and you reclaim the expense, use it twice and you are already saving money.
But here is the clever bit: HERO is not just about events and the membership, the management team behind it have set their goals high and successfully so, they are giving their best shot at re-organising the industry. Over the past 4 years, HERO has dedicated time, efforts and resources to create a one-stopshop-platform for all enthusiasts all over the world. HERO Assist is a division of the group entirely dedicated to helping HERO Members with their mechanical assistance problems, their storage and transport logistics and if the aim is to make things easy and always find solutions, there is even the ultimate solution for those of us who either don’t have a classic car yet, haven’t quite decided on one to buy... Or simply do not wish to use their own car but still want to experience the full thrills of a classic car rally... You can hire one of HERO’s Arrive & Drive fleet of cars for a very reasonable daily rate.
Fully restored and professionally prepared for rallying and tours, HERO has a collection of more than 15 iconic classic cars for hire. From a 1930 Riley Brooklands to a 1990 Lancia Delta Integrale, including Porsche 911’s, Jaguar E Type, Alfa Romeos and a Range Rover Series I - there is something for all tasted, budgets and events. If you have now secured a car but are not quite sure what you need on or off the event... Or simply to look after your car, you may want to explore the HERO Store. The place where classic car enthusiasts shop online, the HERO Store sells thousands of products ranging from a tail lights for an MGA through to custom-built display cabinets for your medals and trophies, all the way to car care products and accessories.
It is immediately obvious that HERO is a platform with a mission to strengthen ties with its club members, a desire to excel and above all understand its members and their needs. It is about enthusiasts listening to enthusiasts with an open mind and being able to deliver changes needed. A democratic platform by crede and a tireless ambassador for the industry, HERO campaigns for more transparent practices, more initiatives to keep this segment of motorsport alive and vibrant. Its success is measurable and the only question that remains is whether HERO Events Limited should not be renamed HERO Events Un-Limited!